CurvEnvy Fashion Blog


I met my husband-to-be late 2012. The week we met, he flew to Mexico for the holidays. I was drawn by his consistent communication with me via email.  I just thought it was the sweetest thing for him to take the time out and shoot me a hello email while vacationing! When he came back to New York January 2013, we went on our first date, Broadway show and dinner afterwards.  Like they say, the rest is history.

We're getting hitched August 2014 in a huge wedding in NYC.  Needless to say, we didn't give ourselves sufficient time to plan our wedding but we're working double time to ensure that our day of union goes off without a hitch or at the very least, little hitches.  His family is scattered throughout the United States so this little blog of mine is also a way for my future relatives to see the "behind the scenes" sort to speak, of our upcoming nuptials.

Although I might not say it everyday, but I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to become his Mrs and unite our little family.

Thank you for reading!!


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